Dc. Sc (Eng.), professor
Shimanovskyy Olexandr
Dc. Sc (Eng.), professor
Gordeiev Vadim
Chaban Nataliya
V.Shimanovsky Ukrainian
Research and Design
Institute of Steel
Mail address:
Vyzvolyteliv Avenue, 1,
Kyiv-02, 02660, Ukraine.
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September 19-22, 2006. Kyiv, Ukraine
The Metalwork in Civil Engineering:
State-of-the-Art and Perspectives |
On September 19-22 2006 in Kyiv, the V International Conference "The metalwork in Civil Engineering: State-of-the Art and Perspectives", organized by OJSC "V.Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction" has taken place.
The holding of the Conference was supported by Ministry of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, International Association for Shells and Spatial Structures (IASS, Spain), Kyiv Town State Administration, Academy of Civil Engineering of Ukraine, Corporation "Ukrmontazhspetsbud" and other governmental and public organizations.
The main frends of researches
The first section aktivities
The second section aktivities
The third section aktivities
The fourth section aktivities
The fifth section aktivities
Resolution accepted according to the remets of the Conference sessions
At the Conference sessions 73 scientific papers were under consideration, prepared by 156 scientists and specialists from 11 countries Ukraine, Russia,, Belorus, Ìîldova, Êàzakhstan, Åstonia, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria dealing with such main subject matters and trends of development:
elaboration of calculation and design procedures of construction metalwork;
development of rational types of construction metalwork, experimental and theoretical investigation of the members and connections behavior;
perfection of materials, metalwork technologies for fabrication and erection of metalwork, repair and reconstruction of the buildings and structures;
problems during maintenance, technical condition assessment methods and determination of metalwork residual life, measures, aimed at increase of load-carrying capacity;
development and modernization of regulatory base in the field of civil metal engineering and training of scientific personnel.
Before commencement of this event the Conference participants were welcomed by the Chairman of Program Committee Shimanovsky O., Chairman of the Board OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction" and Chairman of Organizing Committee Gordeiev V., Vice-Chairman of the Board OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction".
The Conference sessions were subdivided into five sections.
At the first section activity (ELABORATION OF ANALYTIC AND DESIGN METHODS OF THE STRUCTURAL METALWORK) a key specialists and outstanding experts from Ukraine (Perelmuter A., Mykitarenko M., Pichugin S., Semko O., Davidenko O., Bilyk A. and others), Poland (Yankovyak R, Zhmuda Ya., Rzhadkovsky Ya., Savinsky P. and others) and from Estonia (Kulbah V., Kivi E.) took participation.
Among the main topics which were under review during sessions at this section were problems related with calculation, design and examination of the building structures with application of SCAD Office system. M. Mykitatenko (OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction", Kyiv) delivered information on this issue. It was pointed out at the presentation of his paper that SCAD Office is a general-purpose multi functional system, specially worked out for analysis and design of the construction projects. This system is used more than 10 years in many countries for calculation, design and examination of various building structures, including ones made of metal. The structure and potentialities of computational complex along with an examples of its application in practical work are demonstrated.
Peculiarities of influences on members under deformation, affecting on stress-and-strain state of the frameworks used in single-storey industrial buildings were analyzed in the paper presented by Òåreschenko Yu. and Kuklin F. (Kharkiv Complex Department OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction", Kharkiv). The principal trusses and girders as well as secondary trusses are treated in the capacity of the framework members. A quantity assessment of effect due to supports separation, influencing on general stress-and-strain state of the framework is given also. A conclusion was drawn as to necessity to coordinate the normative sizes of expansion building units with their structural solution and for frameworks with discontinuous girder structures at the same time it is essential to make calculations, taking into account the temperature influences irrespective of expansion units sizes.
In the report presented by Pichugin S. and Semko O. (Poltava National Technical University named after Yu. Kondratyuk, city Poltava) the findings of investigation are presented, dealing with behavior and calculation of steel beams with cuts, arranged at flanges, which may be considered as one-lateral structural defects. The solution of this problem makes it possible to define more precisely the internal forces in beams having such types of defects, which may lead to reduction of expenses on reinforcement while fulfilling the strength conditions or to make assessment of real danger due to defects in the case of reinforcement failure. Making of experimental research with beams made of I-section ¹ 14, where was performed cuts various in length, but similar in depth allowed to reveal the forms of the samples destruction, in particular for beams with longer cut a torsion of the damaged cross-cut was observed, at the same time for samples with shorter cut such torsion has not been exhibited.
The paper presented by Shimanovska M. (OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction", Kyiv) is devoted to design and analysis of the cable systems, composed of two groups of cables under mutual crossings. A characteristic feature of these systems is an ability of cables to slip freely along each other. In the course of suspended roof systems design it is essential to attack the problem regarding the initial shape of roof system surface. It was found that shape of system provided with slipping cables can be considered as initial both for membrane roof system and for suspended roof system as well.
In other papers a question of the integrated design with prescribed longevity with application of chrome-nickel steel, having some damages was raised (Zubets A., Matchenko T.) along with application of various design models in engineering computations of steel unlined large diameter chimney stacks (Bilenko P.) and analytical simulation of function related with steelwork mass under selection of the most rational structural solutions in trusses, made of steel, etc.
 At the sessions of the second section (DEVELOPMENT OF RATIONAL TYPES OF THE STRUCTURAL METALWORK, EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION OF ELEMENTS AND JOINTS BEHAVIOR) many prominent specialists, such as Shimanovsky O., Gordeiev V., Koval P., Fux G., Bozhko V., Storozhenko L., Bilsky M., Gogol M., Bilyk S., Pichugin S., Permyakov V. and others took participation.
The scientific report by Shimanovsky O. and Bozhko V. (OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction", Kyiv) deals with design of roof system units made of metallic and wooden plane-and-spatial multi-post trussed beams. It contains the review of design and analysis of new roof system units. As the basis of this particular structural solution may be treated the structure, protected by the patent of Ukraine ¹ 46237. The unification of plane-and-spatial trussed beams into one unit provides a spatial effect of the behavior of the structure.
In papers presented by Koval P. (State Road Research Institute named by M. Shulgin, Kyiv) the results of investigation of reinforced concrete superstructure of a new bridge over Zakhidni Bug river near Yagodin village were exhibited. The purpose of this research was a determination of actual strength and ability to strain, characterized the bridge structures, the superstructure dynamic response and quality of building work being executed. The procedure of making test (test load) was worked out by the Institute for roads and bridges investigation (Warsaw, Poland). It was developed arrangements of bridge load, test loads were accepted, calculations of superstructure were carried out, locations of making measurements, instruments and equipment have been defined also.
The scientific presentation, delivered by Pichugin S., Semko O., Chichulin V. and others (Poltava National Technical University named after Yu. Kondratyuk, Poltava) the peculiarities in design and operation of framed joints used in the steel structures were analyzed. On the basis of design solutions analysis, computer-aided calculations, experience gained in execution and operation of built steel frames a peculiar features in design and calculation of framed joints have been established. It was suggested in calculations of frames to use the joints of specified stiffness, which can be adjusted by installation of synthetic gaskets or springs.
The paper by Brytvin E. and Tarnîpolsky O. (Design Institute "Dniprostalconstructsiya", Dnepropetrovsk) deals with application of statistical approach to stability evaluation of the bar-type structures. The proposed calculation method is based on assumption that a reason of stability loss is resulted in availability in bar-type members an insignificant inequalities and eccentricities of fixings. It has been suggested the calculation procedure of mathematical expectation of inequalities and eccentricities values with due regard to regulatory documents in force. Based on the accomplished structural analysis and considering a various distribution of inequalities and eccentricities a faithful assessment of the structural stability loss is carried out.
In the paper by Lobanov L. (The E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, Kyiv) the results of modern researches and elaborations of the Institute of electric welding named after E.O. Paton concerning welding methods and strength of metal structures are presented. The information and some data about new technological complex for welding and equipment for manufacture of the structures are given too. This complex incorporates arc and resistance welding technologies as well as hybrid technologies, welding of great thickness metal under construction site or field conditions, reinforcement with the use of explosion energy and so on. The problems of welded joints strength under various forms of operational loads, the findings of investigation related with change in properties of structural material under long-term service, connection between crack resistance and impact strength characteristics, means to increase fatigue resistance of welded joints all these topics were considered in details. Much attention was paid on application of new non-destructive tests methods and technical diagnostics of the welded structures, such as the acoustic emission, the use of magnetic coercive meters, non-destructive inspection with electromagnetic excitation of ultrasonic waves with application of low-frequency ultrasonic flow detectors to reveal defects at parts not easily accessible, corrosion monitoring and digital processing of X-rays images systems, new methods of laser interferometry, etc.
The scientific paper by Shimanovsky O., Gordeiev V., Pasechniuk V (OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction", Kyiv) contained an information about new projects developed by OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction".
In other reports a variety of subject matters were under study, such as modern trends in the development of structural solutions, which deal with blast furnace metalwork (Lyubin À., Yosilevich O.), the structures of corrugated shells, made of steel, (Nazarov Yu.), the results of numerical investigation related with influence of foundation settlement on strength and strain ability of the large capacity tanks (Ogloblya O., Plastovets O.), experience gained in design, construction and operation of mass-produced supports in the field of mobile and radio-relay communication systems (Kondra S.), the results of research and implementation into building practice the reinforced concrete beams provided with external sheet-type reinforcement (Storozhenko L., Semko O., Skolybog O.) and so on.
At the third section activity (IMPROVEMENTS IN MATERIALS, FABRICATION AND ERECTION TECHNOLOGIES OF THE METALWORK AS WELL AS REPAIR AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES) were involved the following specialists: Moskalenko V., Gubanov V., Golikov O., Rychagov V., Radchenko I., Azhermachov G. And Zubko G. (Ukraine), Tur V. and Karsunkin V. (Russia), Kulbah V. and Kivi E. (Estonia) and others.
In the report presented by Moskalenko V. (OJSC firm "Prombudremont", Donetsk), Gubanov V. and Golikov O. (Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, city Makiivka) the question was raised regarding exploitation and repair of funnels and bleeding pipes. It was noted the lack of understanding of this problem as compared with non-metallic structures. That's why a necessity came into existence to take into consideration specific aspects to provide operation of funnels along with bleeding pipes. There is a need to provide a relevant supervision over the installation and to make corresponding calculations to find out the critical parameters of the structures. It was noticed that control over change of structural parameters will allow carrying out the repair and restoration at appropriate time.
The paper by Azhermachev G. (National Academy of Environmental Protection and Health Resorts Building, city Simferopol) deals with the problem of cold-resistance steels used in structures of facilities for storage, processing and transportation of liquefied gases. It is shown the steel behavior under thermo-cyclic loads and influence of rolled stock thermal treatment for strength and viscosity, some recommendations to assist in making welding are given additionally.
The paper by Psyuk V. (Donbas State Technical University, city Alchevsk), Panasenko O. (OJSC "Alchevsk Integrated Iron-and-Steel Works", city Alchevsk) and Psyuk M., Klimenko V. (Scientific-and-Production Center "Svarcon", city Alchevsk) contains description of the reconstruction of the existing four-storey hostel building located in Alchevsk city with superstructure of attic floor with the use of steel framework. The reconstruction commenced on April, 2005. The erection of the structures was performed during three months. On April 2006 the building was put into operation.
In other papers some topics connected with the use of up-dated structural steels during fabrication of metalwork were considered (Radchenko I.), an experience gained in solution of mounting of cylindrical vessels is highlighted (Kulbah V., Kivi E.), an information concerning modern technologies in designing, manufacture and assembling of metal construction and so on is given also. (Zubko G.)
At the fourth section activity (PROBLEMS IN OPERATION, TECHNICAL CONDITIONS ASSESSMENT METHODS AND DETERMINATION OF STEELWORK RESIDUAL SERVICE LIFE, MEASURES AIMED AT INCREASE OF SUPPORTING POWER) participated Shimanovsky O., Gordeiev V., Golodnov O., Tarnapolsky O., Gerzon M., Ginzburg Zh., Malinovsky V., Korolev V., Ryzhenkov A., Rukhovich I., Selyutin Yu., Sulima Yu., Matchenko T. Polishko S. and others.
The paper presented by Matchenko T. and others (National Aviation University, Kyiv) the problem was treated aimed at taking into consideration the creep of the steel ropes, damaged by galvanic and crevice corrosion. The relationships were obtained which made it possible to define the metal potential and temperature at the beginning of corrosion as well as a dependence of corrosion from chemical contamination and due to acid and alkali balance. Besides, these relationships were realized, which specify the activation energy, thermodynamic response and corrosion process speed.
In the scientific work by Gerzon M., Ginzburg Zh., Malinovsky V. (Design Institute "Dniprostalconstructsiya", city Dnepropetrovsk) the information has been granted as to peculiarities of new solutions intended for metalwork reconstruction of oxygen-converter plant at Iron-and-Steel Works "Azovstal", based on experience in collaboration with foreign companies. During development of this project an analysis of loads was carried out, given in technological assignment by firm "VAIF" Company which revealed a remarkable excess of loads. The reduction of loads admitted to decrease metal consumption at the working platforms structures.
In other scientific presentations many problems were highlighted, such as the determination of residual life of the welded columns (Golodnov O.), operational process planning in the field of industrial buildings, taking into consideration a reliability and durability requirements (Gubanov V., Pchelnikov S.), some conclusions connected with examination of long-term buildings and structures usage (Polishko S.), the results of investigation of load-carrying structures of roof system used in industrial buildings (Tur V., Karsunkin V.), problems in technological safety system development used for structures of buildings and installations (Shimanovsky O., Gordeiev V., Korolev V., Ogloblya O.), problems in monitoring of stressed structures with considerable operation life (Rukhovich I., Selyutin Yu., Sulima Yu.) etc.
At the sessions of the fifth section (DEVELOPMENT AND PERFECTION OF REGULATORY BASIS IN THE FIELD OF METAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING) were involved Shimanovsky O., Permyakov V., Mykitarenko M., Pichugin S. and others.
In the course of Shimanovsky Î. (OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction", Kyiv) paper presentation he has studied the modern trends in training of scientific personnel at research and design organizations. The question was raised as to improvement of quality in activity of post-graduate and doctorate degree scholarship courses and more active participation of scientific staff in design and research events, for instance, in practical work of Colloquiums, Conferences, Symposiums, cooperation with foreign and domestic specialists and experts.
In other scientific reports some other subjects were under consideration, for example. concerning harmonization of domestic and European Codes for design of steelwork (Permyakov V), the comparative analysis of meteorological loads, rated according to acting Standards and Regulations and in conformity with the draft of State Building Codes "The loads and influences", worked out by OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction" (Mykitarenko M.), as well as the issue of reliability of metalwork elements selected according to the draft of State Building Codes "The loads and influences"(Pichugin S., Mahinko A., Sklyarenko N.) and so on. è ò.ï.
The abstracts and scientific materials in details were published in relevant Proceedings.
The following decisions were made by the Conference participants in accordance with the results of this event:
- it is essential to execute designing, examination and certification of metalwork and their members, including a complicated climatic and seismic conditions with high strength steels application, modern highly efficient computation complexes and measurements facilities as well;
- it is advisable to use the acoustic emission method, developed by E.O. Paton Welding Institute for permanent monitoring of metalwork conditions with the purpose to reveal a potential points of destruction, behavior prediction and residual life determination;
- special attention should be paid upon the necessity in accomplishing work for examination, technical conditions supervision and certification of the structures built earlier at periodic intervals (used in chemical and metallurgical branches of industry decomposers and capacities for liquid ammonia, alkali, gases and other aggressive products storage) to prevent their wear, appropriate rehabilitation in due time or substitution with the aim to exclude a spontaneous collapse. In addition it is necessary to avoid a threat to human health and life and to meet all environmental protection requirements;
- it should be pointed out an importance of activity of key specialists from many countries in creation of new modern national regulatory documents for designing and application of construction metalwork. It is also recommended to develop and improve the cooperation with International organizations and companies in the field of metal engineering by means of concluding agreements as to mutual exchange of experience and promising specialists as well as in participation and holding of joint scientific and technical Conferences, Seminars and Colloquiums;
- taking into consideration a great volume of work, carried out by OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction" aimed at preparation and holding of scientific and technical Conferences, Seminars and Colloquiums periodically and involvement of scientific staff into research and design activities along with publications, connected with Conference Proceedings it is advisable for OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction" to issue on a regular basis the selection of scientific articles in the following trends: new calculation methods, design processes, experimental researches, building metalwork fabrication and assembly technologies etc;
- in addition it should be noted a high professional level of the Conference preparation and holding along with a great interest displayed by the Conference participants in discussion of issues under review;
- a decision was made to hold the next Conference "The metalwork in Civil Engineering: State-of-the Art and Perspectives" on October, 2008 in Kyiv.
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