Manager of training
at post-graduate scholarship
and doctor's degree applicant course:
Olexandr Golodnov
of Ukraine Academy
of Construction
Phone: +38-044-543-98-46
Mob: +38-050-621-43-30.
Methodologist who deals with training at post-graduate scholarship
and doctor's degree applicant course:
Valentina Trokhimets
Phone: +38-044-501-87-79
Post address:
Ukraine, 02660, Kiev-02,
Osvoboditelei Avenue, 1.
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky
Phone: +38-044-543-93-87.
Fax: +38-044-543-97-69,
Post-Graduate training for scholar degrees |
In compliance with Attestation Authority attached to Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2000 was established and according to Decree issued on June 24, 2005 an organization of post-graduate scholarship course was approved with the purpose to train high qualification scientific staff in the field of the following specialities:
05.23.01 - civil engineering constructions, buildings and installations;
05.23.17 - structural mechanics.
The training is carried out with work being discontinued or on the permanent basis both at the Institute's expense or by Contracts at the cost of legal and natural persons as well. Post-graduate students who specialized in science with work being discontinued are supported by grants.
At the moment 2 doctor's degree applicants and 12 post-graduate students graduated from high educational institutions of various regions of Ukraine take participation at this specialized applicant course. The thematic topicality of their dissertations are closely connected with research and design of metalwork used in buildings and structures. The scientific advisors and consultants are well-known specialists in the sphere of metal engineering.
The final stage in the system high qualification scientific staff training is defense of theses at the specialized scholar degree award ship council, which acts with advantage at the Institute since July 2001.
The persons, having high education and qualification of specialists or magister may be admitted to post-graduate training course on a competitive basis. The applicants shall pass exams in particular speciality, philosophy and foreign language.
The applications for admittance to post-graduate training course should be addressed to the name of Chairman of the Board
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction".
The following information should be added to the application:
1) personal data information; (osob_lis.doc, 48 Kb)
2) the list of scientific papers, being published as well as Author's Certificate of invention or essay related with selected profession;
3) copy of higher education diploma with amendment;
4) certificate on passing candidate examinations;
5) medical certificate as per form 286-y;
6) copy of identification number award;
7) photo with size 3x4 cm;
8) copy of passport.
Passport and higher education diploma with amendment should be submitted personally at post-graduate training course during registration of the documents.
The documents should be submitted before September 10 of the current year and to be addressed:
Osvoboditelei Avenue, 1, Kiev-02,
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction",
room 407.
Phone: (044) 501-87-79.
In compliance with Decree, issued on June 24, 2005 ¹ 379 an organization of doctor's degree applicant course was established in the field of the following specialities:
05.23.01 - civil engineering constructions, buildings and installations;
05.23.17 - structural mechanics.
The training is carried out with work being discontinued or on the permanent basis both at the Institute's expense or by Contracts at the cost of legal and natural persons as well. Doctor's degree applicants are supported by grants.
The persons, whom have been granted scientific degree Cand. Sc. (Eng) with the aim to complete their researches related with thematic topicality of dissertation may be admitted to doctor's degree applicant course. The topics of their theses should be closely connected with research and design of metalwork used in buildings and structures. The scientific advisors and consultants are well-known specialists in the sphere of metal engineering.
Including in the staff of doctor's degree applicants may take place within period from April 1 up to December 1 of the current year.
The applications for admittance to doctor's degree applicant course should be addressed to the name of Chairman of the Board
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction".
The following information should be added to the application:
1) personal data information; (osob_lis.doc, 48 Kb)
2) the list of scientific papers, being published as well as Author's Certificate of invention;
3) extended plan of dissertation to maintain thesis for degree Dc. Sc. (Eng.);
4) copy of higher education diploma with amendment;
5) copy of Cand. Sc. (Eng.) diploma;
6) copy of identification number award;
7) photo with size 3x4 cm;
8) copy of passport.
Passport and higher education diploma with amendment in addition to Cand. Sc. (Eng.) degree diploma should be submitted personally at post-graduate training course during registration of the documents.
The documents should be addressed to:
Osvoboditelei Avenue, 1 Kiev-02,
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction",
room 407.
Phone: (044) 501-87-79.
Upward_ |