Address of the Institute:
Osvoboditelei Avenue, 1,
Kiev-02, GSP-660,
Ukraine, 0266O.
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky
Phone: +38-044-543-93-87.
Fax: +38-044-543-97-69,
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The stages of development |
Alexander Shimanovsky
Chairman of the Board,
Dc. Sc. (Eng), professor,
Honored Scientist of Ukraine,
Member of the Ukrainian
Academy of Construction
Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of the steel constructions named after V. Shimanovsky is Open Joint-Stock Company, briefly OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction" exists since 1944 initially as Special Design Bureau for restoration of destroyed bridges and other the most important structures in Ukraine, then (1960) as State Design Institute and since 1983 as State Design and Research Institute.
On June 1994 according to Decree issued by The President of Ukraine "On transformation of State Enterprise on corporate basis" the Institute was re-organized into Open Joint-Stock Company Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of the steel constructions.
The present name the Institute has obtained in 2000 after a death of director Vitaly Shimanovsky, who contributed significantly to the Institute's development and preserved it during economic recession period of the 90-th.
In correspondence with the Law of Ukraine "Protection of rights on trade-marks for goods and services" the Institute has been registered by the State Register and obtained Certificate on trade-marks for goods and services ¹ 87107 dated on January 25, 2008.
Certificate on trade-marks for goods and services
ÍÂ ¹ 87107 îò 25.01.2008 ã.
Since 1997 and according to Cabinet's Decree of Ukraine the Institute was included into the list of scientific and engineering organizations, which have strategic significance for economy and safety of the State (the Decree granted by the Cabinet of Ukraine dated on 23.12.2004 ¹ 1734).
According to Decree granted by the Cabinet of Ukraine dated on 22 ¹ 1237 the Institute and its team was distinguished by Honorary Diploma for significant contribution into design of unique buildings and structures.
In "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDISteelconstruction" Institute the quality management system has been implemented and the work aimed at its perfection is in progress permanently.
On April 2007 the Institute has obtained the Certificate granted by International body on certification "TUV Intercert" as to compliance with quality management system to International Standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 according to number 1510074510 dated on 02.04.2007.
In details >>
There is the leading Research and Design Institute of steel constructions in operation in civil engineering complex of Ukraine now, which performs the functions of basic organization in the field of metal engineering. According to results of State attestation of research organizations the Institute comes under the heading of organizations category "A", which may determine and influence on State policy in science and technology in the field of civil engineering (State Attestation Certificate of Scientific Institution ¹ 1 dated on 29.08.2008), it is included into State Register of research organizations, supported by the Government (Certificate granted by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine ¹ 00477 dated on 11. 03.2004).
State Attestation Certificate of Scientific Institution
¹ 1 îò 29.08.2008 ã.
Certificate granted by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
ÍÂ ¹ 00477 îò 11.03.2004 ã.
Build up of scientific and technological potential during many years, as well as accumulation of experience and high professional qualification of the specialists enables to extend the Institute's activity over the territories of other USSR Republics and foreign countries. Finally our organization has achieved a good reputation in the field of metal constructions among other leading design organizations. In support of these words there are projects constructed according to our designs, which you may find in 40 countries all over the world on four continents, in particular.
Azerbaijan, Algeria, Armenia, Afghanistan, Bangla-Desh, Belarus, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Hungary, Vietnam, Greece, Georgia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, China, Korea, Cuba, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Germany, Estonia, Yugoslavia.
The projects created with participation of the Institute >> |
Upward_ |
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