Address of the Institute:
Osvoboditelei Avenue, 1,
Kiev-02, GSP-660,
Ukraine, 0266O.
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky
Phone: +38-044-543-93-87.
Fax: +38-044-543-97-69,
General and complex design |
As a basic organization of Gosstroi in Ukraine the Institute ensures coordination of engineering activity in the field of civil engineering with the use of metalwork. Its specialists have developed more than 17 thousand projects of buildings and installations, made of metal, 90 % of them were implemented into reality.
Steelwork plants |
Since 1960-th the Institute was taking part in the development of construction metalwork industry in the capacity of General Designer of steelwork plants of the steel structures. According to our designs were built or reconstructed such big industrial enterpri-ses were built or reconstructed, such as metalwork manufacturer plants named after Babushkin in Dnepropetrovsk and steelwork plants in cities Mariupol, Zaporozhie, Nickolayev, Zhitomir, Kamenets-Podolsky. An aluminium construction plant, the only one in Ukraine, was built in Brovary city according to our design. Also we dealt with designs of a great number of projects in Russia, for example, metalwork manufacturer-plants in cities Shadrinsk, Bataisk, Vyksa, Novokuznetsk and others.
Bridgework manufacturer-plant, city Sarny (general designing).
The manufacturer-plant in Kamenets-Podolsky (general designing).
The plant producing aluminium building constructions in Brovary (general designing).
Light-weight metalwork manufacturer-plant, city Vyksa, Russian Federation (general designing).
Industrial and commercial enterprises |
The Institute makes use of a great number of highly-skilled specialists in the main fields of design process, such as architecture, general planning, constructions made of metal and concrete, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply and sewer systems, electric power and gas supply. The Institute elaborates as General Designer participating in the comprehensive projects for industrial and commercial enterprises.
Company "PROSCAN". Car repair and maintenance station.
Company "LVOVSCAN". Roadway integrated service center.
The steel structures and metalwork manufacturer - plant, city Bucha in Kiev district.
Administrative and office premises in village Petropavlovskaya Borschagovka near Kiev.
Company "Enran". Construction of new 2-storey production building of the plant for furniture production with total area of 10000 sq. m. in village Stariye Petrovtsy in Kiev district.
Company "KAZSODA". Soda ash manufacturer plant with capacity 400 thousand tons per year. Republic of Kazakhstan.
Vertical wind tunnel for training of parachutist sport jumpers.
Company "UKRCHAIPROM". Favrication and storage complex in city Vasilkov of Kiev district.
Company "Orion-Service". Production base, village Kryukovschina Kiev district (general designing). All industrial buildings were made of metalwork with the use of sandwich-type walls and with application of overhead gantry crane.
Company "Vetropack Gostomel Glassworks". Production sectors ¹4 è ¹5 (general designing). The enclosing structures were fabricated with the use of sandwich-type panels.
Industrial and Engineering Company "AGROMAT". Combined storage-shop for construction materials, city Kiev (general designing). The framework of the storehouses is made of metal. The main supporting structure is a welded frame with spacing of 6,0 m.
Engineering structures |
The bridge named after Paton (reconstruction, general designing).The design incorporates:
roadway expansion of the bridge up to eight traffic strips;
repair and substitution of the damaged members;
replacement of communication systems;
anticorrosive protection of all steel components of the bridge, including the existing ones.
All operations related with reconstruction of the bridge are expected to be executed without full stoppage of road traffic.
Bridge Overpass across Dnieper River on DneproGES dam, city Zaporozhie (reconstruction, general designing). The bridge was reconstructed in 1978. Length of new sections of the bridge – 463 m.
Engineering activity |
Industrial projects |
An important place in the Institute's activity takes the design process connected with erection of industrial buildings and structures. A big ship assembling department of the shipbuilding plant "Leninskaya Kuznitsa" and machine shops of the plant "Bolshevik" in Kiev have been built according to the Institute designs. Besides, a great number of shops at metallurgical plants in Donetsk, Makeevka, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Mariupol and other industrial centers of Ukraine have been built as well. In addition high-rise communication facilities, power transmission lines supports, special plate structures (water towers, air heaters, gas holders, reservoirs and others) are under design process.
As the General Designer of the metalwork manufacturer-plants the Institute deals permanently with modernization of production technology. According to our designs the metalwork manufacturer plant named after Babushkin in Dnepropetrovsk, steelwork plants in cities Mariupol, Zaporozhie, Nickolayev, Zhitomir, Kamenets-Podolsky, as well as in cities of Russia such as Shadrinsk, Bataisk, Vyksa, Novokuznetsk and others have been built and reconstructed. An aluminium construction plant, has been built in city Brovary according to our design.
Designing and construction of Great High-Voltage Room in Zaporozhie, workshops of cold and hot rolling of carbon steels at the Novolipetsk integrated iron-and-steel works, as well as reconstruction works of radial drilling automated machines plant in Odessa have been distinguished by Prizes of the Council of Ministers of USSR.
The Institute takes an active part in designing and construction of such remarkable and complicated projects of integrated iron-and-steel works as Novo-Lipetsky, Orsko-Khalilovsky, Rustavsky, Sarkanais Metalurgs, as well as the industrial projects abroad in Korea, China, Pakistan, Hungary, India, Bulgaria, Algeria, Nigeria and in many other countries.
Integrated iron-and-steel works Zhelezara Zenitsa, Yugoslavia.(Converter shop. Steel continuous casting department).
Novolipetsky iron-and-steel works. (Carbon steels cold rolling shop. Dynamo steel rolling shop).
Integrated iron-and-steel works, Bulgaria. (Electric-furnace melting shop).
Integrated iron-and-steel works in Karachi, Pakistan. (Converter shop).
Metallurgical plant in Ajaokuta, Nigeria. (Block of rolling shops).
Metallurgical plant in Zaporozhie. (Reconstruction of buildings and structures).
Company "Sirka", city Novy Razdol. (Technological pipelines).
Company "Obolon", Fastov Brewery. (Bottling and finished products storage shop).
Company "Vetropack Gostomel glassworks". (Glass containers shop).
Alchevsky integrated iron-and-steel works. (Steel continuous casting department).
Large-span buildings and installations |
The Institute has contributed considerably into designs of frameless folded buildings, which are the most effective type of light-weight metalwork.
A much used are designs for are types of buildings having 12–36 m span made of light-weight metalwork, including quickly assembled and disassembled ones as well as designs of roof systems for civil and industrial buildings up to 100 m span, hangars, sports and enter-tainment facilities and special-purpose installations.
One of the Institute's activity trends is development and implementation of modern and economical types of constructions of large-span roof systems with the use of small element trusses, tethered and membrane constructions, spatial structures etc.
Special attention should be paid on designs of very important steelwork of large-span buildings, for instance, Great high-voltage room in Zaporozhie (span 60 m, height 60 m), the largest assembly shops in Feodosia (span 96 m, height 50 m provided with suspended hoisting cranes of load-carrying capacity up to 200 t). In addition the following projects are neces-sary to be mentioned: shipbuilding yards in Nickolayev (two spans by 48 m each, height 45 m), spans of hangar buildings within the range from 48 up to 136 m in airports Borispol, Donetsk, Nickolayev, Sheremetievo, Vnukovo, Kuibyshev, Yakutsk, Magadan, Tambov. There was designed and erected a large hangar building having span 108 m in Cuba.
Shipbuilding yards "More", city Feodosia. (Slipway).
Shipbuilding yards "Ocean", city Nickolayev. (Slipway).
Transformer works in Zaporozhie. (Great high-voltage room).
Covered sporting arena, city Kiev. (Metalwork design).
International Exhibition Center, city Kiev. (General designing).
Hangar in airport Donetsk. (Metalwork design).
Hangar in airport Borispol. (Metalwork design).
Bridge building projects |
The design of Navodnitsky bridge across the river of Dnieper in city Kiev (now-bridge named after Paton) has been carried out in tight creative cooperation with the Institute of Electric Welding and with Academician E. Paton personally. He was a pioneer in developing of an alternative of the all-welded superstructures of the bridge with application of solid-web main trusses.
Taking into consideration, that such technical solution was implemented in domestic bridge building industry for the first time, the decision was taken to investigate and to analyze new structural shape of the bridge, welded connections of main trusses junctions of transverse members, braces, roadway elements along with assurance of high reliability and durability during the bridge service life. With this object in view analysis and theoretical research works were performed with experimental tests of structural solutions in modifications of various welded connections and joints. An elaboration of welded field butt joints in solid-web main trusses and equipment for their automated welding with the use of killed well-welded steel intended for all-welded spanned buildings were pioneered.
Such approach when in creation of complicated significant projects the designers apply some theoretical and experimental investigations with the use of new structural shapes of welded structures, welded joints and connections, providing a reliable operation under low temperatures, dynamic and cyclic loads became traditional in practical activity of the Institute.
Among other bridge building projects the following projects are worthy of note: the suspended pedestrian bridge of 180 m span across the Dnieper river connecting Trukhanov Island in Kiev, the first in Kiev, cable-stayed bridge over the harbor having span 144 m; all-welded bridge across the river Smotrich in city Kamenets-Podolsky (150 m span), which was built with the pioneered use of high-strength steel and orthotropic plate on roadway.
Later on the Dneproges dam the bridges were constructed with light-weight curvilinear orthotropic plate (bridge over forebay, trestle above locks). Owing to this design the carriage way has been extended twice as much at the expense of very interesting technical solution of anchor fixing of cantilevers into the dam body.
In addition the projects should be pointed out: the suspended pedestrian bridge across the river Teterev in city Zhitomir having main span 160 m, abutment spans of 62 and 75 m; remarkable pedestrian bridge of 102 m length with one pylon across the river Uzh in city Korosten.
Taking into account many years' experience gained by the Institute in this field the type designs of pedestrian bridges 63 and 126 m have been developed. The superstructures are featured by high efficiency, manufacturability for production and erection.
Suspended overpass of "Druzhba" oil pipeline across the river Latoritsa, city Mukachevo. (Metalwork design).
Pedestrian bridge across the Park alley near "Dynamo" Stadium in Kiev. (Reconstruction. Metalwork design).
The bridge named after Paton across the river of Dnieper, city Kiev. (Metalwork design).
Park pedestrian bridge across the river of Dnieper, city Kiev. (General designing).
Cable-stayed bridge over the harbor of Dnieper, city Kiev. (General designing).
Bridge overpass across the river of Dnieper along Dneproges dam, city Zaporozhie. (Reconstruction. General designing).
Sheet constructions |
The Institute has designed numerous complicated engineering structures for oil and gas pipelines tanks of various capacity for petroleum and petroleum products.
Of particular interest are the designs of reservoirs having large capacity (up to 75000 m3) with the inner surface made of modern synthetic materials, built in Odessa region, cities of Odessa and Feodosia.
The designs of blocks and stand-alone tower-type plants of various capacities for biological sewage treatment and additional treatment are very promising. These projects have been used in construction of urban sewage in cities of Saki and Stary Krym.
It might be well to point out the Institute's activity in designs of large capacity reservoirs. In 2003 for the first time in Ukraine for linear production and control station "Brody" the vertical metallic tank of 75000 m3 capacity with double wall, double vacuum bottom and floating roof has been designed. Such structure provides reliability in operation and environmental safety also.
Tank farm, city Feodosia. (Reservoirs of 100000 m3; capacity for petroleum and petroleum products storage with steady roof).
Petroleum terminal "Yuzhny", city Odessa. (Floating roof reservoirs of 2000 m3 capacity for petroleum storage).
Reconstruction of tank farm, city Feodosia. (Tanks of 1000 m2 capacity for residual fuel oil storage).
Salivonkovsky sugar mill, Kiev district. (Storehouse for granulated sugar storage without containers of 20 000 t capacity).
Tank farm attached to linear production and control station "Brody" |
In 2003 for the first time in Ukraine for linear production and control station "Brody" the reservoir of 75000 m3 capacity has been designed. This station is the unigue intermediate pumping plant at the Ukrainian section of "Druzhba" oil pipeline that provides transit pumping of petroleum through two routes of oil pipelines. "The Institute of Petroleum Transportation" was General Designer of this project, which has developed all parts except metalwork design, performed by OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDI steelconstruction" Institute, including the working documentation.
With the purpose to increase reservoir capacity some technical solutions have been developed as to substitution of six tanks PBC 5000 for new steel tanks of maximum capacity. This was done because of that fact, that having been operated under unusable conditions during a long-term period they became unuserable and and unmaintainable.
Considering the Customer's proposals and prospects to extend the existing station "Brody" a decision has been taken for development of contractor design for construction of one vertical metallic tank of 75000 m3 capacity with double wall, double vacuum bottom and floating roof. Such structure provides reliability in operation and environmental safety.
Civil and public-purpose buildings and structures |
Along with the projects of industrial purpose the Institute took part in development of designs of load-carrying metalwork for large public buildings including the Palace "Ukraine" with large-span roof in the form of cross-shaped truss, the high-rise hotel "Kiev", National library named after Vernadsky, the House of Commerce, the Cultural Center "Ukrainian House". It was very sophisticated and creative task to develop design and construction of the monument "Motherland" at the Great Patriotic War Museum in Kiev. Two just mentioned projects were distinguished by high Governmental awards of Ukraine and USSR.
An important scientific trend in the Institute's activity is research and creation of new types of buildings and installations. There was established a complex research and design subdivision provided with experimental base, which devoted its forces on elaboration of new structural solutions regarding buildings made of light-weight metalwork characterized by high technological effectiveness in fabrication and erection, economy of materials and increase of aesthetical properties. New types of unified roof systems of buildings were elaborated on the basis of small element panel and strut frame systems with the wide use of thin-walled membranes having better indices than the existing ones. It opened up new possibilities for efficient development of industrial base in Ukraine in the sphere of design and construction of light-weight metal structures.
Great Patriotic War Museum. Monument "Motherland". (Metalwork design including all-welded shell of the monument).
Palace "Ukraine". (Metalwork design).
Cultural Center "Ukrainian House". (Metalwork design).
National library named after Vernadsky attached to Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences. (Metalwork design).
State Ukrainian television and radio broadcasting building. Central studio complex. (Metalwork design).
Railway terminal "Yuzhny". (Metalwork design).
Supermarket "Tam-Tam", city Lutsk. (Metalwork design).
The column-monument dedicated to declaration of independence of Ukraine. (Metalwork design).
Commercial complex of building materials "Epicenter", city Kiev. (Metalwork design).
Multi-purpose commercial complex "Magellan" at Odessa square, city Kiev. (Metalwork design).
Commercial and entertainment complex "Terminal", city Brovary Kiev district. (Metalwork design).
Commercial complex "New Line" village Chabany, Kiev district. (Metalwork design).
Commercial complex "Alcest", city Kiev. (Metalwork design).
Nuclear power engineering projects |
Ukraine is among the countries, where nuclear power engineering plays an important role. Approximately 50% of all power capacities in our country are covered with the aid of nuclear reactors. Ukraine holds the eighth place in the world and the fifth place in Europe on existed number of reactors and their total capacity.
With an expected service life amounting to 30 years 12 from 13 power units of Ukrainian NPP provided with water-cooled power reactors should be put out of operation within period of 2010–2019, which will require rather considerable means. That's why a task aimed at prolongation of projected service life of power units and assurance of their safe industrial operation in the future is of primary importance. Our Institute in cooperation with other organizations has developed standard programs for technical condition assessment and reassignment of building service life at some nuclear power plants in operation.
Our Institute in cooperation with other organizations has elaborated a variety of standard programs for technical conditions assessment and reassignment of service life of the most important building structures used in power units.
As the author of load-carrying structures of the existing "Shelter" facility the Institute took participation in realization of programs aimed at Chernobyl NPP consequence mitigation and transformation of the "Shelter" facility into environmentally safe system.
Regarding the problems of NPPs being in operation and under construction in Ukraine and Russia the following scope of research works has been carried out including such topics: |
standard technical condition assessment program and reassignment of structural service life for NPP. Reactor shaft;
standard technical condition assessment program and reassignment of structural service life for NPP. The foundations, walls and floorings at reactor department;
standard program for the technical condition assessment and reassignment of cooling pond service life with all constructions and members, including rack systems;
standard program for the technical condition assessment of general premises and buildings of nuclear power plants, containing systems which are important for safety;
standard program for the technical condition assessment of foundations, insertion pieces and elements for arrangement of equipment for reactor department.
CHERNOBYL NPP Since 1986 the Institute participates in programs for Chernobyl NPP consequences mitigation.
With participation of key experts of the Institute load-carrying structures of the existing the "Shelter" facility have been designed.
Design analysis has been performed and the project aimed at reinforcing of exhaust vent stack has been carried out.
ZAPORZHIE NPP Technical condition assessment of contact zones of internal metalwork along with thermal cladding of protective shells at reactor department ¹¹ 1-6 of reactor type ÂÂÝÐ 1000, in order to reveal wrong connections and to present recommendations for elimination of some technical defects.
ROVNO NPP Development of technical condition assessment program and reassignment of service life of general premises and buildings of nuclear power plants containing systems, which are important for safety, such as: foundations, insertion pieces and elements for fixation of equipment at NPP reactor department (power units ¹1 and ¹2).
KHMELNITSKIY NPP Development of work schedule for examination and technical conditions assessment of the buildings and structures of power units ¹3 and ¹4.
ROSTOV NPP, city Volgodonsk (Russia) Determination of technical condition of artificial foundation and load-carrying steel structures of engine room framework at power unit ¹2 based on investigation and design analysis, development of technical documentation for reinforcing of foundation and metalwork.
Communication facilities |
The specialists of the Institute have made a remarkable advancement in design of all-welded high-rise TV towers in many cities of USSR. An important contribution into achievement of such success was made on the basis of creative tight cooperation with the Welding Institute named after Paton attached to the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences. New structural shapes of high-rise installation convenient in fabrication and erection have been elaborated. Standard flange joints resulted in steel and labor overexpenditure were replaced by welded joints, connecting the elements. The first all-welded TV tower 317 m high was built in Leningrad according to design and under an active cooperation and supervision fulfilled by both Institutes mentioned above.
Many technical ideas were implemented during design and construction of TV towers in Yerevan and Tbilisi.
The creation of Kiev TV tower constructed with the use of gradual rising method with automatic welding of tubular chords made of high-strength steel was distinguished by the Ukrainian SSR State Award.
TV tower of radio and television Center, city Kiev. All-welded TV tower 385 m high was built in 1973. It was the highest steel tower constructed in the Soviet Union.
TV tower of radio and television Center, city Kharkov. All-welded TV tower 240,7 m high.
TV tower of radio and television Center, city St.-Petersburg (Russia). Welded TV tower 316 m high built in 1962.
TV tower of radio and television center, city Yerevan (Armenia). Welded TV tower 311 m high built in 1973.
Rational structures of chimneys and towers 20 m – 420 m high |
Among high-rise installations designed by the Institute it is worthy of note a variety of chimneys and exhaust tower-stacks for metallurgical plants and chemical integrated works, powerful thermal electric generating plants, petroleum processing plants etc.
Latticed towers made of metal were used as the supporting structure for gas flues fixings. Many projects of chimneys have been elaborated with application of helicopter-aided erection.
According to assignment presented by organization "Teploproekt" the Institute within the span from 1965 till 1990 has developed a great number of designs for internal metalwork (gas flues, working platforms, stairs) used in reinforced concrete chimneys. Such projects have been implemented at the territory of former USSR and in many other countries.
At present some similar design concepts are in progress. Furthermore, the existing chimneys are at the stage of reconstruction, in particular at Kostroma Power Generating Plant, gas processing plant in Astrakhan, electric integrated iron-and-steel works in Stary Oskol, copper smelter plant of Norilsk mine integrated iron-and-steel works.
Chimney made of glass-fibre-reinforced plastic 120 m high. Radio broadcasting station "Tereshkovo", city Moscow.
Chimney of power center 60 m high provided with 13 gas flues. Complex of buildings for the Moscow region Government.
Illumination supports at the "Olympic" Stadium, city Kiev. Height of supports – 78,2 m and 80,2 m. They were designed in the form of welded cylindrical shells with conical expansion towards the base.
Illumination supports at the "Dymano" Stadium named after Lobanovsky, city Kiev. Height of supports – 52,8 m. They were designed in the form of roll-formed pipes, united into frameless trusses.
Sporting facilities |
Participation of Ukraine in remarkable sporting events and achievements of Ukrainian sportsmen and teams at International and European competitions puts in the forefront the problem regarding construction of the Ukraine's facilities, meeting the modern world-level requirements.
Noteworthy in this field are outstanding designs such as "Yubileiny" Stadium in city Sumy awarded by the State Prize of Ukraine in 2004. Also it should be noted the athletic and sporting complex "Olymp" in city Yuzhny (near Odessa) distinguished by the State Prize in the field of architecture in 2006.
Particular emphasis has been placed on const-ruction of football stadiums. Probable participation of Ukraine in European championship in 2012 obliges the leading football clubs to ensure creation or reconstruction of the stadiums having 30–50 thousand spectators capacity provided with covered stands.
In 2004 in cooperation with the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture the Institute has carried out large-scale design works concerning technical proposals for reconstruction of the "Dynamo" Stadium in Kiev. This is the basic Stadium of the leading football club in Ukraine.
In 2006 the Institute has designed and erected the shed system over the stands of "Metallurg" Stadium in city Dnepropetrovsk.
The Institute performs scientific and technical supervision during construction of the "Shakhter" Stadium in city Donetsk performed by the Turkish Company "ENKA".
Athletic and sporting complex "Olymp", city Yuzhny |
The complex is located in special building and intended for sporting games (basketball, handball and others). The multi-purpose sporting hall with transformable stands is located under the large-span roof system of the building. Below the hall there are three storey of compartments rested upon the built-in metallic framework.
Arch-type structures were used for building of the complex. Main arches carried out as crescent-shaped ones have 72 m span. The tubular elements and closed box-formed sections were widely used to provide high aesthetical properties of the framework.
The Institute has designed metalwork of the building. Weight of metalwork is more than 800 t.
Football Club "Dnepr" Stadium, sity Dnepropetrovsk |
This is an European-class stadium of 31 thousand spectators capacity, placed on the site of the former "Metalurg" Stadium.
The Institute has performed the design of roof system metalwork located over the stands. The roof system has been designed with the use of cantilever and truss system with back stays providing a comparatively simple technical solution. Metal consumption of the roof system amounted approximately to 1200 tons.
In order to achieve a pleasant appearance of metal structures which are among the main points of observation, the tubular sections were mostly used (round or box-type sections) nodal joints without junction plates, as well as modern polycarbonate materials for transparent portions of the roof system.
Football Club "Shakhter" Stadium, city Donetsk |
This is an European - class stadium of 50 thousand spectators capacity. Was constructed now with participation of the Turkish Company "ENKA". The Institute performs scientific and technical supervision of erection that includes determination of loads, numerical analysis and examination of engineering solutions. Now this Stadium was put intu operation.
Three-storey stadium is designed with the use of reinforced concrete with application of metalwork for roof system, which covers the stands. Cantilever trusses made of metal have 60 m overhang. The structural blocks designed by the Company "MERO" (Germany) rest on the trusse.
"Dynamo" Stadium named after V. Lobanovsky, city Kiev |
In 2004 in cooperation with the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture the Institute has elaborated technical proposals on reconstruction of "Dynamo" Stadium named after V. Lobanovsky.
The capacity of stands was enlarged, in order to contain 31 thousand spectators. The stands were designed as a double-storey system. The transparent visor-type roof was projected along the system of curvilinear console-suspended beams with up to 30 m overhang above all seats at the Stadium.
The main load-bearing structures were designed in metal.
Preliminary design proposals for reconstruction of "Dynamo" Stadium in Kiev
Design and exploring work to provide superstructure of the 4-th floor of administrative building, rearrangement of stands at sporting arena, design of visor-type shed and illumination systems, parking expansion, is in progress.
The projects created with participation of the Institute >> |
Upward_ |
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