Address of the Institute:
V. Shimanovskiy street, 2/1,
Kiev-02, GSP-660,
Ukraine, 0266O.
"V.Shimanovsky UkrISC" LLC
Phone: (044) 543-93-87.
Fax: (044) 543-97-69,
(044) 543-96-32.
11 october 2012 |
Dear participants of International Ukrainian-Polish Scientific and Technical Conference, Organizing committee inform you, that the papers coming in time for consideration by Programmatic committee, and for their subsequent publication, are published in Collection of proceedings of the V. Shimanovskiy Ukrainian Institute of Steel Construction ¹9 and ¹10. Papers, sent behind time will be published in magazine «Industrial and civil construction», which also is profile edition. Collection of proceedings will be presented in materials of conference. Persons, not confirming the participation, but interested to purchase the indicated editions, can apply on this question to the secretary of conference.
11 october 2012 |
Registration of International Ukrainian-Polish Scientific and Technical Conference participants starts on 15th October, 14.00 in building of V. Shimanovsky Ukrainian Institute of Steel Construction (office 221, 2nd floor), address: Kiev, V. Shimanovsky st., 2/1. You may register on 16th October from 8.00 to 18.00 in conference hall “Galaxy” of “Bratislava” hotel (2nd floor), address: Kiev, Malyshko st., 1. Registration will take place during the whole conference in “Bratislava” hotel. Payment of registration fee may be done at registration.
11 october 2012 |
Theme excursions to the main engineering developments of Kiev (NSC “Olympiyskiy”, Darnitskiy bridge, Podolskiy bridge) and also introductory excursion through the city with visit to Kiev Pechersk Lavra will be provided for conference participants and attendants on 17th October 2012.
The cost of excursion is included in cost of conference registration fee.
Prior signing up for excursions is required in process of registration.
7 september 2012 |

The program of the International Ukrainian-Polish Scientific and Technical Conference is offered to the participants attention.
You may see the program content on the link below:
Program of the International Ukrainian-Polish Scientific and Technical Conference: >>> program.pdf (964 Kb)
10 march 2012 |
Organizing committee of the International Ukrainian-Polish Scientific and Technical Conference is glad to inform that registration terms for submission of Conference participation applications and theses of papers have been prolonged to 31 march 2012.
1 march 2012 |
Organizing committee of the International Ukrainian-Polish Scientific and Technical Conference is glad to inform that official informational site devoted to Conference has started its work. Detailed information concerning participation in Conference and also online registration is available on euro2012.urdisc.com.ua.
18 january 2012 |
16-19 october 2012 in Kiev, Ukraine, will be held International Ukrainian-Polish scientific and technical conference,
devoted to the European Football Championship, Euro-2012.

The conference co-organized by:
Ministry of Regional Development, Civil Engineering and housing and communal services of Ukraine;
Kyiv City State Administration;
Ukrainian State Corporation Ukrmontazhspetsbud;
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee for Civil Engineering;
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS);
Ukrainian Academy of Civil Engineering;
E. O. Paton Electric Welding Institute.
The conference topics:
Topics for abstracts and papers:
- metal construction of stadiums and sports facilities: design, fabrication, erection;
- development of rational types of the structural metalwork, experimental and theoretical investigation of elements and joints behavior;
- elaboration of analytic and design methods of the structural metalwork;
- problems in automation of design process and calculation of the metalwork;
- improvements in materials, fabrication and erection technologies of the metalwork, as well as repair and reconstruction of the buildings and structures.
Official languages: English, Ukrainian, Polish and Russian are the official languages for both oral and written presentation.
Conditions for participation:
For participating in Conference and for other services given during its holding it is possible to pay both in Ukrainian hryvna (hrn) or in Euro (ª).
Registration fee:
till 10.03.2012 |
after 10.03.2012 |
participants |
3000hrn / 250 ª |
3500hrn / 300 ª |
accompanying persons |
1200hrn / 100 ª |
1400hrn / 120 ª |
Fee includes participation at the sessions, tea-coffee breaks, lunches, Conference dinner, materials related with holding of the Conference, technical and organizational services and excursions.
Payment of fee is available at registration desk or by clearing transaction.
Spread of information and advertising materials along with souvenirs among the participants of the Conference 2500 hrn (220 ª).
Assistance of sponsors 11500 hrn (1000 ª).
Key dates:
- Submission of application for participation at the Conference and the abstracts - March 10, 2012.
- Notification of preliminary acceptance - April 10, 2012.
- Submission of papers - June 10, 2012.
- Notification of final acceptance - June 30, 2012.
Contact phones:
- Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Prof. Shimanovsky Olexandr - +38-044-543-93-87;
- Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Prof. Gordeiev Vadim - +38-044-543-97-89;
- Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Prof. Elzbieta Urbanska-Galevska - +48-58-347-17-51;
- Cand. Sc., Senior Scientist Grom Andriy - +38-044-501-87-71;
- Lenda Ganna - +38-044-543-88-89; E-mail: icbmc@urdisc.com.ua.
For correspondence:
V. Shimanovsky Ukrainian Institute of Steel Construction, 2/1, V. Shimanovsky street, Kyiv, 02660, Ukraine.
Fax: +38-044-543-97-40, tel.: +38-044-543-88-89, E-mail: icbmc@urd³sc.com.ua.
Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 11/12, Narutowicza, 80-233, Gdansk, Poland,
tel./fax: +48-58-347-10-47, tel.: +48-58-347-17-51, E-mail: ugalew@pg.gda.pl.
Registration card of the participant >>> .doc (45 Kb)
Demands connected with preparation of abstracts and papers >>> .doc (28 Kb)
Commitees >>> .doc (33 Kb)
Abstract example >>> .doc (45 Kb)
13 September 2011 |
13th September 2011 the seventh and eigth releases are issued
The collection of proceedings of the V. Shimanovskiy
Ukrainian Institute of Steel Construction
Under edition of the honored worker of a science and technics of Ukraine,
Dc. Sc. (Eng.), professors A.V.Shimanovskiy.
Order Ïðåçèäèè ÂÀÊ of Ukraine from 27.05.2009 ¹ 1-05/2
The collection of proceedings is the profile edition.
Requirements of registration of articles>>> requir.doc (21 Kb)
More in detail >>>
16th may 2011 |
19-23 September 2011, Mariupol, Ukraine
II international theoretical and practical conference-exhibition dedicated to 100 years from
Mikhail Mikhaylovich Zherbin birth will be held at Mariupol city, Ukraine, from 19th to 23rd September 2011.

Conference-exhibition is supported by:
National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine,
The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, H&CS (Housing and Communal Services) of Ukraine
Ukrainian Academy of Construction,
Donetsk Regional State Administration,
Donetsk and Western Scientific Centres,
Paton Electric Welding Institute of NAS of Ukraine,
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine,
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture,
Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering,
Pryazovskyi State Technical University,
LLC "V. Shimanovsky Ukrainian Institute of Steel Construction"
Research and Design Institute Donetsk PromstroyNIIproekt,
State Public JSC Building Company "UKRBUD"
Plenary meetings of the conference will be held in the
Pryazovskyi State Technical University conference hall in the Mariupol downtown (Universitetskaya street, 7)
Conference Aim - is to generalize the conceptual principles and develop statements about
forming of methodological and technological normative provision of quality regulation
processes, technological safety of buildings constructions in the market.
Main Trends of the Conference:
- Normative provision of buildings safety and quality.
- Theory and practice of rational structures types design, manufacture and construction.
- Scientific support for technological and ecological safety problems in principal areas of economy.
- Training modernization and refresher training of specialists in the field of building materials and structures quality management.
Official language of the conference: Ukrainian, Russian and English.
Participation Conditions: Arrangement fee 250 UAH, including VAT for the articles publication in the specialized scientific edition.
If you want to be in the exhibitors list, please send your entry before 31 May, 2011, and conclude
the contract between the organizer and the exhibitor before the 15 June, 2011.
Exhibition places and service information are given in addition, by virtue of entries. In-depth information is given in the conference programme.
Check dates:
- Conference entries and theses - 30 May, 2011.
- Reports text presentation - 30 June, 2011.
- Dc. Sc. (Eng), professor Voloshin Vecheslav - (0629) 33-34-41; E-mail: office@pstu.edu
- Dc. Sc. (Eng), professor Shimanovsky Alexandr - (044) 543-93-87; E-mail: niipsk@webber.kiev.ua
- Dc. Sc. (Eng), professor Gordeyev Vadim - (044) 543-97-89;
- Dc. Sc. (Eng), professor Bilyk Sergey - (044) 244-96-96;
- Lenda Anna - (044) 543-88-89; E-mail: icbmc@urdisc.com.ua
For correspondence:
- Êèåâñêèé íàöèîíàëüíûé óíèâåðñèòåò ñòðîèòåëüñòâà è àðõèòåêòóðû, êàô. ÌÄÊ, êîì. 309, ïð-ò Âîçäóõîôëîòñêèé 31, Êèåâ 03680, Ukraine. (Kiyevskiy natsionalnyy universitet stroitelstva i arkhitektury, kaf. MDK, kom. 309, pr-t Vozdukhoflotskiy 31, Kiyev 03680, Ukraine)
- Ïðèàçîâñêèé ãîññóäàðñòâåííûé òåõíè÷åñêèé óíèâåðñèòåò, óë. Óíèâåðñèòåòñêàÿ 7, Ìàðèóïîëü 87500, Ukraine. (Priazovskiy gossudarstvennyy tekhnicheskiy universitet, ul. Universitetskaya 7, Mariupol 87500, Ukraine.)
- "Óêðàèíñêèé èíñòèòóò ñòàëüíûõ êîíñòðóêöèé èì. Â.Í. Øèìàíîâñêîãî" óë. Øèìàíîâñêîãî 2/1, 02660, Êèåâ-02, ÃÑÏ-660, 02660, Ukraine. (OOO "Ukrainskiy institut stalnykh konstruktsiy im. V.N. Shimanovskogo" ul. Shimanovskogo 2/1, 02660, Kiev-02, GSP-660, 02660, Ukraine.)
Registration form for the participant of the CONFERENCE>>> regcard.doc (45 Kb)
CONFERENCE report execution requirements>>> demand.doc (28 Kb)
CONFERENCE committees membership >>> comitee.doc (33 Kb)
ANNOTATION example >>> anotation.doc (45 Kb)
15 April 2011 |
Under the patronage of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and H&CS (Housing and Communal Services) of Ukraine in Kiev,
on the basis of "V.Shimanovsky UkrISC" LLC (former OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDISteelConstruction")
a single-day practical seminar "New Norms and Standards in Metal Engineering" on 14th April 2011.
the application peculiarities of authorized for the last few years ÄÁÍ, ÄÑÒÓ, ÄÑÒÓ-H-EN,
Technical Certificates, Specifications will be considered.
At this seminar specialists can study the developers approach to the new building norms and standards in the
spheres of construction, fabrication erection and operation of building steel structures from steel and aluminum.
Also the presentation of Technical Committee on Standardization "Metal Engineering",
established by the Ministry of Regional Development, H&CS of Ukraine will be held.
42 specialists from 12 regions of Ukraine took part in this seminar
The program of carrying out the SEMINAR>>> prog.doc (32 Kb)
The list of organizations which took part in SEMINAR >>> OrgLst.doc (73 Kb)
1 November 2010 |
In October, 2010 in "V.Shimanovsky UkrISC" LLC the monography is issued
Shimanovskiy A.V., Shalinskiy V.V., Chaban N.À.
Mechanics of trailing systems / under the common edition
The honored worker of a science and technics of Ukraine,
The full member of Academy of construction of Ukraine
Dc. Sc. (Eng.), professors A.V.Shimanovskiy.
The reference book is available for sale if appeal to the following address:
Kiev-02, GSP-660, 02660, Ukraine, Osvoboditelei Avenue, 1.
For detailed information call, please by telephone: (044) 543-97-40; (044) 581-13-58
14 September 2010 |
From September, 6 till September, 10, 2010 in Kiev has taken place
"BUILDING DESIGNS SPORTS AND SPATIAL CONSTRUCTIONS: the present and prospects of development"
The ministries for regional development and construction Ukraine
National academy of sciences of Ukraine
The international association on environments and to spatial designs ²ASS (Spain)
Academies of construction of Ukraine
Committee of ground and hydraulic engineering construction the Polish academy of sciences
The project the decision of CONFERENCE >>> decision.doc (45 Kb)
Photoarchive of CONFERENCE >>>
26 August 2010 |
The fifth and sixth releases are issued
The collection of proceedings of the Ukrainian research
and a project institute of steel designs to name V.N.Shimanovskiy
Under edition of the honored worker of a science and technics of Ukraine,
Dc. Sc. (Eng.), professors A.V.Shimanovskiy.
Order Ïðåçèäèè ÂÀÊ of Ukraine from 27.05.2009 ¹ 1-05/2
The collection of proceedings is the profile edition.
Requirements of registration of articles>>> requir.doc (21 Kb)
More in detail >>>
19 July 2010 |
In March, 2010 OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction"
has published the 2-nd issuance of revised and corrected reference book,
prepared by:
Budur A. The steelwork: Reference book for designers
edited jointly by Honored Scientist of Ukraine,
Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Construction,
Dc. Sc. (Eng.) Shimanovsky A.
The reference book is available for sale if appeal to the following address:
Kiev-02, GSP-660, 02660, Ukraine, Osvoboditelei Avenue, 1.
Content of reference book >>> content_rus.pdf (1,19 Ìb)
For detailed information call, please by telephone: +38-044-543-97-40
14 July 2010 |
In July, 2010 OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction"
has published the 2-nd issuance of revised and corrected manual,
prepared by:
Nilov O., Permyakov V., Shimanovsky O., Bilyk S.,
Lavrinenko L., Belov I., Volodymirsky V.
The metalwork: General course: Manual
for high educational institutions.
The 2-nd revised and corrected / Edited
jointly by O. Nilov and O. Shimanovsky.
For purchasing the publication you are kindly requested to call by telephones:
+38-044-248-31-17; +38-044-241-54-89
Publications of employees of institute |
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction" issues publications employees of institute
with whom you can familiarize on page
Some publications can be got to the address:
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction"
Kiev-02, GSP-660, 02660, Ukraine, Osvoboditelei Avenue, 1.
For detailed information call, please by telephone: +38-044-543-97-40; +38-044-581-13-58
2 June 2010 |
In May, 2010 OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction
has published the monograph
Lyubin A. The structural metalwork used in blast furnace complex.
Design process. Operation. Diagnostics of technical condition.
- Kiev: "Stal" Publishing House.
You may familiarize with publications of the Institute's employees also if visit web page
February, 10 2010 |
September 6 to 10, 2010 in city Kiev
state-of-the-art and perspectives"
Ministry of Regional Development and Civil Engeneering
of Ukraine
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
International Assosiation for Shell and Spatial Structures
IASS (Spain)
Ukrainian Academy of Civil Engineering
Committee of ground and hydrotechnical construction of the
Polish Academy of Sciences
Detailed information you can find on web-page
November, 24 2009 |
In 2010 it is supposed to prepare the 5-th and the 6-th publications of
The Proceedings of Scientific papers presented by "V. Shimanovsky
of Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Steel Construction"
edited by Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Member of the Ukrainian
Academy of Construction, Dc. Sc. (Eng.), professor A. Shimanovsky,
which is purpose-oriented edition since 27.05.2009 ¹ 1-05/2.
The authors, who want to publish the results of their researches
in our Proceedings are kindly requested to send them in printed
and electronic form by ordinary post or by E-mail.
The reguirements for preparation of the papers >> requir.doc (21 Kb)
Address of Editorial Board:
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky Ukrrdisteelconstruction".
Osvoboditelei Avenue 1,
Kiev-02, GSP-660, Ukraine, 02660.
Phone of the Editorial Board: +38-044-543-97-40.
Å-mail: icbmc@urdisc.com.ua
July, 20 2009 |
Within the period from September 7 to 10, 2009 in city Skadovsk
in Kherson region the Colloquium "Calculation and Design
of Spatial Structures" was taken place.
Ministry of Regional Development and Civil Engeneering of Ukraine.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Ukrainian State Corporation "Ukrmontazhspetsbud".
The E. Paton Electric Welding Institute of NASU.
International Assosiation for Shell and Spatial Structutures IASS (Spain). |
August, 26 2009 |
The third and fourth numbes are ready for publications
The Proceedings of Scientific papers presented by V. Shimanovsky
Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Steel Construction
edited by Dc. Sc. (Eng.), A. Shimanovsky
In connection with The Order granted by High Attestation Commission
dated on 27.05.2009 ¹ 1-05/2
The Proceedings of Scientific papers are regarded as specialized edition.
The requirements for preparation of the papers >> requir.doc (21 Kb)
The proceedings of scientific papers. |
In May OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction" have established
"The Proceedings of Scientific papers presented by V. Shimanovsky
Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Steel Construction".
Edited by professor,Honored Scientist of Ukraine,Member of the Ukrainian
Academy of Construction, Dc. Sc. (Eng.), professor A. Shimanovsky.
(State Registration Certificate KB ¹ 12628-1512P dated on 03.05.2007)
According to Decree of High Attestation Committee Presidium of Ukraine
dated on 27.05.2009 ¹ 1-05/2
The Proceedings is incorporated into the list of scientific purpose-oriented
publications in the field of engineering sciences.
The Proceedings are published twice a year.
The topical and problematic issues under consideration - results of investigations in the
sphere of analysis and design of the structures, theoretical and structural mechanics, theory of
elasticity and plasticity, development of calculation and design techniques used in buildings and
constructions, elaboration of rational types of structures, experimental and theoretical researches
in operation of elements and connections, improvement in technologies in materials and erection,
repair and reconstructions of buildings and installations, elaboration and perfection of regulatory
base in these branches of civil engineering, as well as investigation of stress-and-strain state of
bodies with complicated structure under permanent or variable loads actions in time, including
occasional effects.
Address of Editorial Board:
Osvoboditelei Avenue, 1, Kiev-02, GSP-660, Ukraine, 0266O.
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction"
Phone of the editorial Board: +38-044-543-97-40.
Å-mail: icbmc@urdisc.com.ua
Journal "The industrial construction and engineering structures" |
On October 2007 the State Corporation "Ukrmontazhspetsbud"
and OJSC "V. Shimanovsky Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Steel
Construction" have founded Scientific and Production
Journal "The industrial construction and engineering structures"
(State Registration Certificate ¹ 12853-1737 ÏÐ, series KB dated on 11.07.2007)
The Journal is issued quarterly as four numbers per year. The first number of
the Journal was published in the IV quarter in 2007.
The topical themes, highlighted in the Journal - presentation of various information on issues
of architecture, a design solutions, construction of industrial-purpose projects and engineering
structures familiarization with results of researches in the field of technical diagnostics,
elaborations and improvements in the sphere of regulatory base in metal engineering, etc.
The Editorial Board of the Journal invites you to become an authors and readers of this new publication
(subscription index - 98848).
We offer pages of our Journal for publication of your scientific papers and advertising materials.
Address of the Editorial Board:
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky Ukrrdisteelconstruction"
Osvoboditelei Ave., 1,
Kiev-02, GSP-660, 02660.
Phone of the Editorial Board: +38-044-516-52-85
E-mail: redakpbis@urdisc.com.ua
Management Quality System |
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky Ukrrdisteelconstruction" has implemented
Management Quality System and activity aimed at it perfection
is in permanent progress.
On April 2007 the Institute has obtained the conforming Certificate granted by
International body on certification "TUV Intercept" as to compliance with
the Institute's quality management system to International Standard ISO 9001:2000
according to number 15 100 74510 dated on 02.04.2007.
State Building Codes of Ukraine and Standard of Design |

Since January 1, 2007 the following regulatory documents have come into force:
State Building Codes of Ukraine
System for ensuring of reliability and safety of construction projects.
DBN B.1.2-2:2006 Loads and influences. Norms for design
State Standard of Ukraine
System for ensuring of reliability and safety of construction projects.
DSTU Á B.1.2-3:2006 Deflections and displacements. Design rules
DBN B.1.2-2:2006 was developed by
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky Ukrrdisteelconstruction"
with participation of
Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
Poltava National Technical University named after Yu. Kondratyuk,
Scientific and Production Society SCAD SOFT;
and accepted by Order granted by Ministry of Regional Development and Civil Engineering
of Ukraine 3.07.2006, ¹ 220.
DSTU Á B.1.2-3:2006 was developed by
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDISteelconstruction"
with participation
Scientific and Production Society SCAD SOFT;
and accepted by Order granted by Ministry of Regional Development and Civil Engineering
of Ukraine 5.07.2006, ¹ 224.
For purchasing the publications you are kindly requested to send letters and applications
with indication of quantities of copies according to the following address:
Osvoboditelei Ave., 1,
Kiev-02, GSP-660, 02660,
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky Ukrrdisteelconstruction"
Ukraine or by fax: +38-044-543-97-69,0-44-543-96-32.
Phone/fax for inquiries: +38-044-543-97-40.
Post-Graduate and Doctorate Course |
Open Joint-Stock Company V. Shimanovsky Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Steel Construction announces about admittance to post-graduate training for scholar degrees and applicants for Doctor's degree in specialities:
05.23.01 - civil engineering constructions, buildings and structures;
05.23.17 - structural mechanics.
Training at post-graduate course is carried out at extra-mural basis or at in-plant training at the expense of internal funds of the Institute and under Contracts at the cost of legal and natural persons. In-plant training post-graduate students are provided with grants. The persons, who have high education and qualification of specialist or master may be admitted to post-graduate training on a contest basis.
Application forms for joining a post-graduate training should be submitted to Chairman of the Board.
OJSC "V. Shimanovsky UkrRDIsteelconstruction".
Training at special course for applicants for Doctor's degree is carried out at extra-mural basis or at-plant training at the expense of internal funds of the Institute or under Contracts at the expense of legal and natural persons. The applicants for Doctor's degree are provided with grants.
The persons, who have academic degree as Cand. Sc. (Eng.), and are able to complete their researches, according to dissertation topic may be admitted to this special course. The dissertation topicality should be related with metalwork design of the buildings and structures.
Joining to Doctor's degree course is carried out from April 1 to December1 of the current year.
Scholar degree awardship council is organized and is in operation.
The projects created with participation of the Institute >> |
Upward_ |
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